Monday, April 2, 2012

In the words of the great philosopher Jagger

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, you just might find
You get what you need.


R said...

Heehee congrats again =)
And I love this song!

CD!!! said...

:) So true!

Insignificant said...

Oh, Dr. House. Genius man.

Kshipra said...

Rolling stones at its best!

Kshipra said...

Its strange how life works....why wants and needs are different......if they coincide, may be life would be devoid frustration.

nil said...

Goddamit, this has always made so much sense to me, it's not even funny.
Amen to those words, Rolling Stones be blessed.

Astha said...

Love this song :')

Gustaf Valström said...

Mick will be rather pleased to hear you call him that. ;))

Also I have an interesting anecdote to share and I might as well do it here. We had a young Italian tourist in the OPD today with a bit of a nasty rash and fever. He addressed his girlfriend as "Carrissima" quite a few times and I couldn't help smiling because I thought of you instantaneously. I thought mistakenly that that was her name till a colleague who had taken Italian informed it was an Italian language endearment and I shouldn't be using it to speak to that lady whose name turned out to be plain old Bianca. But imagine my glee! I wanted to tell you that now your name brings to mind three different meanings in three different languages! :))

Sculptor said...

Its amazing how one can fit in so much philosophy in that one line..
I still remember the first time I heard the song, a squeaky cover by an inept singer. Damn! Got me hooked onto the Stones

"I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands"

T. said...

Amen to that!! And congrats to you cookie. :-D

Sakshi said...

Songs state the truth. Hence proved. :D

Ruhani said...

This actually makes so much sense! Jeez! It's great how at times you simply write a paragraph or something, and it has more depth than the huge pages that most of us write!

Sinduja said...

Okay. This has gotten me thinking.

"You can't always get what you want"

Agreed. In fact, I couldn't agree more.

"You might just find that you get what you need"

Ah, now that somehow doesn't seem to strike a chord. Seems like a wimpy consolation to life's unfairness. In reality, life is a bitch - she throws at you random things by mere random chance and lets you collect them all and form a pattern and add meaning to life.

Tangled up in blue... said...

Riddhi, thank you! :) I am so excited right now. I can't believe I have to wait till July though for everything to start! It's just tooooo farrrrr! :D

CD!!, certainly turned out to be true in my case! :D

Insignificant, true that! :)

Tangled up in blue... said...

Tangerine, oh yes! If we all had the sense to want what we really need, and not be greedy or wishful, we'd be more at peace with ourselves! And totally. This is the second Rolling Stones song I heard after Can't Get No Satisfaction and I absolutely fell in love with their sound. :)

nil, completely agree! It really makes sense to me right now. :)

Tangled up in blue... said...

Astha, me too. I listened to it on a loop for a whole day that day! :)

Gus, actually I didn't say that. Dr. House did. It's from one of the first season episodes. :) And LOL, I wonder what that patient must've thought to hear you call his girlfriend that! :D I wish I could have been there to see his face. :D And you know, I knew this since I was fifteen years old because I read it (surprise, surprise!) in a Mills & Boon book which I'm a lil bit ashamed to admit had a dashing Italian boss and an English rose-type secretary and well, you know how that one ended! :D Apparently, it's the origin of that word which is also the origin of the English word 'caress'. :)

Tangled up in blue... said...

Sculptor, yes, this was actually the second Rolling Stones song I heard as well. And it was also the one that led me to listen to more of their music. And those lines from the lyrics you quoted, those are the best part! :)

T., yup! And thank you! :)

Sakshi, wow! That's an awesome proof! :D

Tangled up in blue... said...

Sculptor, yes, this was actually the second Rolling Stones song I heard as well. And it was also the one that led me to listen to more of their music. And those lines from the lyrics you quoted, those are the best part! :)

T., yup! And thank you! :)

Sakshi, wow! That's an awesome proof! :D

Tangled up in blue... said...

Ruhani, thank you for saying that, but this one I can't take the credit for. It's a Rolling Stones song. :) And it's definitely one of their best. :)

Sinduja, once again, you present a completely fresh perspective on things! :) I always look forward to your comments for that reason. And yeah, I get what you're saying but these lines have a special significance for me. It's about something specific rather than the nebulous idea of some day getting what you need. It's about having already received what I probably needed. :) Ooh, wait I'll tell you on facebook! :)

Anonymous said...

Music is more wise than people give it credit for.


S. Susan Deborah said...

Jagger, yes. I thought he was some contemporary sadhu and boy! I was right. If not why the name, Rolling Stones?

Joy always,

P. S: After writing my last/rant post, this gyaan seems worthwhile :)

Anonymous said...

SO true!
Couldnt agree more!

AND I just awarded you the Awesome Blogger award! Visit my page to know about the details!

Congrats! :D

Arundhati said...

Loved your blog!!

Following you now. :D
