In what must be a radical departure from my New Year traditions, I have decided to celebrate the new year only after exams end next week. So what if it's more than a little out of sync with, oh, the rest of the world. I think the new year shud begin on a happy note (hence, the new year wish, of course). And happy notes are certainly the exact antithesis of cruel never-ending, overstaying-their-welcome-by-a-month exams.
Now that routine exam frustration is out of the way, my second radical departure is that I make no new year resolutions this year. Since the go-for-a-morning-walk resolution lasted for all of ten days in 2010, not to mention the dozen resolutions in years past that didn't really thrive beyond January, I've decided to forgo them altogether.
Of course, this piece of good ole Calvin wisdom certainly helped.

And for all you regular folks starting your new year today, I wish you all a happy new year. :)
Yaar kab khatam honge tumhaare exams? :-P
Kya baat hai, Tawf! Awake already? :D Still nursing the hangover? :P And you know when!
Mere liye bhi kucch daaru bachaake rakhna! :D
Kya re i dint get drunk or anything abhi!! i stayed up watching lotr i swear :-D
aur daaru hoti bhi toh 10th jan tak evaporate ho jaati :-P
Somehow I'm not too inclined to believe that. :P Aur nahin hai toh buy kar lenge, what is Jayantilal Wine Merchant for? ;) And at this rate, you'll end up memorising LOTR. :D
haan haan tu pay karna main peene aa jaaoonga :-P n bechaara Jayantilal is on the verge of thinking weve corrupted u n made u some kinda guzzler chick :-P n ive already memorized lotr its just so awe-and-then-some :-D
Oi! Who's the one with the job, huh? And dear Mr. Jayantilal cares more about his wallet than our respective livers, so dont you worry! :P I better go study now. See you soon! :)
for what is likely the thousandth time best of luck! :-)
Happppppppppy new year!
And all the best for your exams! :)
Happy New Year, Karishma.
Hope you have a wonderful one. :)
Happy new year! You'll do brilliant in your exams, just wait and watch na! Or..y'know, study as well :) Good luck.
And I hope 2011 turns out really great for you. I made resolutions. Again. :|
Happpppy New Year!
And yes, I fully agree with the Calvin-ism.
Love that calvin :)
Happy New Year! I'd promised myself that I won't get into the new year resolution crap..but then I watched Dead Poets' Society. So now my new year resolution is "Carpe Diem"!
happy new year!
Nitisha, Sherry, ramya, Thank you and wish you all the same! :)
Riddhi and Mohit, good luck with your resolutions guys! Hope they fare better than mine ever did! :D
Antara and Periwinkle, thanks and Calvin's got it all so figured out man! :D
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