Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Black, Black Heart

You cud have chosen the easier life, the easier path. You cud have ridden the winds to greener shores. Instead you chose to stay put. Your roots drew you into this old, dry earth of half-remembered dreams and hand-me-down memories.

You cud have found leisure in the shade. But you preferred backbreaking labour in the harsh sun. Had you chosen differently, you wud have had wealth, even luxury. But your choice led you to a spartan, near empty life.

You were handed the key to great successes. But you refused it and convinced yourself that it was alright to be ordinary as long as you were good.

But your goodness is not enuff to protect you from the ravages of want. You learned the hard way that hunger can drive people to trade their honour for a meal.

You worry that your heart will turn hard and black, if you find no one to love you back. You awake each day fearing that the cost of making this choice was too great. You wonder if the darkness that surrounds everyone you see will swallow you if you're not careful.

You cud have created great beauty. But instead you chose to mop away, bit by bit, at all the ugliness you saw around you.

And now your hands are too rough for anyone to hold.


Vyzz said...

aww tragic...nicely written...

Srishti said...

"You cud have created great beauty. But instead you chose to mop away, bit by bit, at all the ugliness you saw around you."

Love it! Its like The Road Not Taken, isn't it?

And wait, are you talking about yourself?

Tangled up in blue... said...

Vyzz, thank you. And yeah, thats the sad part, it all seems rather tragic doesnt it?

Srishti, oh yes, it is exactly like The Road Not Taken. And no, I'm not talking about myself actually..I have an extremely comfortable life, nor do I have the strength of conviction to make such a choice, that much I know about myself..this is actually about someone I know, not exactly a friend but you know, who did make a choice like this..

rgc said...

So glad to see you back in action! Was puzzled when I couldnt locate your blog! :)

Hibakusha Pigmeat said...

"You wonder if the darkness that surrounds everyone you see will swallow you if you're not careful"

liked this one line . a lot

Tangled up in blue... said...

rgc, I'm glad to be back, too! And I deleted my old blog a while back and started this one recently.

pi, thanks.

T said...

how do u know what this person feels? maybe the choice is not as regretted as u make it out to have been.

Deeksha said...

That is beautiful,poetic writing.

Soin said...

but a rough hand can grip everything better than a soft hand can do.free

R said...

Damn. Just damn. i was actually shaken, i think, and this Think cuz i don;t know you, but i think, you're very insightful.

Tangled up in blue... said...

T, its called empathy :P I do have splotches of it sometimes. Not always, but sometimes :D

Dee, wow thanks! :)

soin, interesting view that.

Riddhi, thanks! :)